Best Contemporary Dance Classes in Bangalore Indiranagar at FLUX

Some of the moves in contemporary dance are easy. Some are hard and require patience and practice. Our instructors facilitate your effort until you can slide effortlessly across the floor. They will guide you when you are diffident to do a move until you find the confidence to do it. In that moment, the both of you will share a bit of joy at having conquered something that challenged you. You might want to go home and show your roommates or partner that you can do a backwards tumble! But be careful – your floors at home are doubtless harder than the ones in our studio. Use a rug to show off your moves at home.
As you move through this program, you will also find camaraderie. You will be spending a lot of time with your classmates and helping each other. Perhaps you see one classmate doing a move you just can’t get right – they will help!
And you can spot someone struggling with a spin or a motive that you have learned and help them. The coconut vendor across the street from FLUX can probably tell when an X-Sense class has been over. He sees the flood of happy sweaty people needing hydration and laughing over the class they just had.
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