Graphic Design Courses in Bangalore Indiranagar at FLUX

The graphic design industry is currently booming. Everybody needs graphics because visual media has become the most trending activity online. Earlier people liked to read and imagine. Now people want to immediately watch and immediately process. So we at FLUX want to train you in making meaningful graphics that are easily processed.
Bangalore is an IT hub. Here, people are constantly thinking in terms of software and computers. Graphic design is also taught by teaching through various different pieces of software. These can be InDesign, Photoshop, Flash, and even Lightroom.
We help you learn each of these software pieces.
Our short course in graphic design even awards you with a certificate at the end of the course! This way you can have some formal credibility you can use to get a job. You can even apply for further residencies or education to learn more by creating new work! There are many avenues that open up and there is so much that can be done!
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