Mobile Photography Courses in Bangalore Indiranagar at FLUX

India is a country full of dreams, desires and needs. We know that most of our population is under the poverty line as well. But what we are trying to get at is different

Whatever the condition might be, mostly each and every person in India has a cell phone. And this cell phone can be used to make great and quality art!

Generally photography is seen as a very expensive medium of work creation. This is because it requires funds for the following things:

·         Recce

·         Pre-production work

·         Camera Equipment

·         Crew hiring

·         Actor payments

·         Set design

·         Photo Editing

·         Distribution

In fact, this has been the traditional method of working since long. But things are changing now. The independent industry has come up with ways to make art more accessible. We at FLUX also want to find more efficient and more resourceful ways of creating images. By shooting photographs on our phone, we can find cheaper ways of getting the best quality photos.

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