Documentary Photography Courses in Bangalore Indiranagar at FLUX

A documentary photography course is very different from a controlled photo shoot environment. In this sort of a setup, one has to be open to the idea of ‘emergence’. Let us take you through a few of the insightful and technical ideas of documentary photography.

In documentary photography, you cannot force a frame.

One cannot make things happen. There is also a stream called observational documentary work. This basically asks you to observe reality and then when something arises or emerges, you can document it. It also asks you to allow reality to compose your frame. But one has to be patient enough to let things emerge. In fact that is what we mean by the idea of emergence.

But when the frame becomes alive and emerges, one also has to be aware enough to click it. And when the frame is clicked, one shouldn’t look at it with critical eyes. Rather the beauty of documentary photography is that it is raw and real. It isn’t constructed. Therefore, to accept these small glitches as part of the reality is important too.

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