Regular Aerial Yoga Classes in Bangalore Indiranagar at FLUX

Aerial yoga was invented by Christopher Harrison, a gymnast and a Broadway choreographer. He made it an interesting combination of yoga, Pilates, dance, gymnastics, calisthenics and aerial acrobatics.
Unlike traditional yoga, you don’t do aerial yoga on the floor but in the air a few feet above the ground in a hammock specially designed for the purpose hanging down from a hook in the ceiling. Not to worry, it can easily bear the weight of even the fattest man on earth!
You can raise or lower the height of the hammock according to your preferences. In fact it acts like a swing completely supporting your body. You can also move forward or backward as required by the yoga pose you decide to do on the hammock.
You will be surprised to note that the hammock makes even the most difficult postures to perform on floor much easier to do on a hammock. Moreover the swinging quality of the hammock encourages you to add your own innovative varieties to them. And since you have to hold up your weight on your arms while doing a yoga maneuver, it also acts as a very good replacement for gymnastics.
You are killing six birds with one stone when you do aerial yoga in place of the floor yoga, namely yoga, Pilates, dance, gymnastics, calisthenics and aerial acrobatics.
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