Best English and Hindi Acting Classes in Bangalore Indiranagar at FLUX

Do you know what acting really means and what all it entails?

Acting actually means impersonating someone in order to narrate one’s story through adopting her or his character.

Character of a person includes his or her expression, mannerism, body posture, gait, aspirations, actions, interactions, likes, dislikes and above all one’s worldview.

Can you adopt someone’s character for a while in order to narrate his or her story?

It requires a high degree of imagination. It also requires physical and emotional expression. You also need to project your voice with a high degree of clarity. And you need to do it along with adopting all kinds of modulations in it. In fact, you should be able to emulate various different dialects and accents.

An actor should also be trained to improvise various different situations without rehearsals done for the same. A full-fledged acting training also includes singing, auditioning and physical agility.

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